Venice water bus vaporetto Line 2/: Piazzale Roma ⟷ Rialto The Venice waterbus navigation line 2/: the route, the map, the stops, the timetables, the ticket prices for residents and tourists. |
In Venice, the Linea 2/ of ACTV public transport service operates a passenger transport service in the historic center: from Piazzale Roma and Ferrovia, the Grand Canal runs as far as Rialto. Route Line 2/ Venice waterbusFrom Piazzale Roma head to the Railway and then make the Grand Canal (only with main stops) to Rialto. ![]() To Rialto: PIAZZALE ROMA "F - FERROVIA "B" - RIALTO "D To Piazzale Roma: RIALTO "C" - FERROVIA "A" - PIAZZALE ROMA "G" From Piazzale Roma: every 12 minutes from 7.01am to 8.49 am. Then 16.06, 16.40, 17.04, 17.28. From Rialto: every 12 minutes from 7.20 am to 9.08 am. Then 16.20, 16.44, 17.08, 17.32, 17.56. Click here for the ACTV table with the timetables of all Line 2/ stops Here you buy with the same price as the Ticket Office. 1 ticket: 75 minutes € 9,50; 24 hours € 25; 48 hours € 35; 72 hours € 45; 7 days € 65. ![]() You can choose the ticket valid for 75 minutes, 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 7 days. Once bought, pick it up at the ticket office in Piazzale Roma (car and bus terminal) from 7.00 to 19.30. - Show your smartphone voucher and collect a paper ticket at the Venezia Unica ticket office in Piazzale Roma; alternatively, enter the voucher number at any Venezia Unica self-service ticket machine. - The validity of your tickets begins at the time of validation and ends at the same time (not at the end of the day) What the service includes- Instant ticket delivery. Piazzale Roma: Church of the Tolentini Railway: Chiesa degli Scalzi, San Simeone Piccolo San Marcuola: Church of San Marcuola Rialto: Rialto Bridge, Rialto Market, Church of San Salvador. |
Fares and purchase of ACTV tickets for Venice and Islands navigation linesRates are available for non-resident visitors and for residents of the Municipality of Venice. Buy early and skip the line! |
Fares for tourists and not residents- Single ride € 9.50 |