Exhibitions in Venice Italy
All current exhibitions in Venice of contemporary art, painting, sculpture, photography, design and archeology: schedules, periods, cost of tickets and exhibition venues. |
Same price of ticket counter. 1 ticket: 75 minutes € 9,50; 24 hours € 25; 48 hours € 35; 72 hours € 45; 7 days € 65. |
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60° International Venice Biennale of Art o Biennale d'Arte di Venezia - Giardini, Corderie, Arsenale
- City of Venice
Running exhibition from April 20th to November 26th
The 60th Biennale Arte will open to the public on April 20. But on the 17th, 18th and 19th there will be the various events and collateral events that always enliven
suddenly Venetian artistic life. The awards ceremony will take place the day of opening to the public.
The title of the 60th edition of the Art Biennale is Foreigners Everywhere – Foreigners Everywhere.
Pavilions of Venice Biennale of Art 2024
Gardens from 10.00 to 19.00. Arsenale from 10.00 to 19.00 (from 10.00 to 20.00 on Friday and Saturday until September 30th). Closed on Mondays (except April 22, June 17, July 22, September 2, September 30, October 31, November 18).
Tickets: please visit the official website.
Phone: +39.041.5218711; fax +39.041.2728329
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: Biennale
of Venice |
A large exhibition project dedicated to the work of the American artist Julie Mehretu (1970, Addis Ababa) (1970, Addis Ababa) is presented at Palazzo Grassi, curated by Caroline Bourgeois in collaboration with the artist herself. The exhibition includes works created by artists who are part of a circle of Julie Mehretu's close friends or personalities that influenced her
Opening hours: from 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. (the ticket office closes one hour earlier). Tuesday closed.
Tickets: Full price €15, reduced €12 for students up to the age of 25 (on presentation of a valid university ID card); Residents of the Municipality of Venice (upon presentation of their identity card); visitors over 65; adult groups from 15 participants; Teachers (upon presentation of an identity card or a certificate from the school); carer of a disabled person; Kering Group.
Free for members of Palazzo Grassi-Punta della Dogana; children under 20; accredited journalists; Disabled people; authorized tourist guides with license issued by the Province of Venice; 1 guide for each group of 15 to 29 participants; 2 accompanying persons for each school group of 15 to 24 participants; 3 accompanying persons for each school group of 25 to 29 participants; unemployed (on presentation of proof).
Every Wednesday, entry is free for residents of the city of Venice and for students enrolled in Venetian universities.
Information and reservations: +39.041.2001057
Web: Palazzo Grassi |
Punta della Dogana reopens with an exhibition inviting the curators Anne Stenne and Pierre Huyghe, who together present a vast nucleus of works, some of which come from the Pinault Collection.
Hours: from 10.00 to 19.00 (the ticket office closes one hour before). Closed on Tuesday.
full price € 18, reduced € 15 for students up to 25 years (upon presentation of a valid university card); residents of the Municipality of Venice (upon presentation of the identity card); visitors over 65; groups of adults starting from 15 participants; teachers (upon presentation of an identity card or a school declaration); disabled people not 100%; carer of a disabled person; Kering group.
Free for Members of Palazzo Grassi-Punta della Dogana; under 20 years; accredited journalists; disabled; licensed guides licensed by the Province of Venice; 1 companion for each group of 15 to 29 participants; 2 carers for each school group from 15 to 24 participants; 3 escorts for each school group from 25 to 29 participants; unemployed (upon presentation of a document); ICOM card; Cultivist card; 2x1 to Carta Freccia members in possession of a Freccia per Venezia ticket.
Every Wednesday admission is free for residents of the city of Venice and for students of the Ca 'Foscari University, Iuav University, the Academy of Fine Arts, Venice International University, Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello, on presentation of the card of the student.
Informations and reservations: +39.041.2001057
Web: Palazzo Grassi |
The A plus A gallery is pleased to announce the solo exhibition of Anastasiya Parvanova (1990, Burgas, Bulgaria). Sidereal Messenger presents itself as a man's dream of life and nature in which concepts and visions of astrophysics and astrobiology are projected into painting.
from Tuesday to Saturday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. (the ticket office closes one hour earlier).
Tickets: free entrance.
Information: +39.041.2770466
Web: AplusA |

At Palazzo Fortuny an exhibition by Joan Fontcuberta inaugurates the exhibition season by hosting the twelve light boxes created by Joan Fontcuberta: the result of the Catalan artist's dialogue with the extraordinary historical collections of the ICCD in Rome.
Hours: from 10.00 to 18.00 (the ticket office closes one hour earlier). Closed on Tuesday.
Tickets: full price €10, reduced price €7.50, reduced price for schools €5. Children aged between 0 and 5 are free; disabled people with companion; authorized guides of the Province of Venice; tourist interpreters who accompany groups; teachers accompanying school groups up to a maximum of 2 per group; escorts (max. 1) of groups of adults; MUVE ordinary partners; holders of The Cultivist Card.
Information and reservations: from Italy 848082000; from abroad +39 04142730892
Web: Museo
An exhibition dedicated to Davide Battistin opens at the Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts, displaying a new series of paintings.
Hours: Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00 (last admission at 17.30).
Tickets: full price €12; reduced €10. Tickets can only be purchased at the ticket office.
Telephone: +39.041.2705616
Email: [email protected]
Website: Istituto
Veneto |
Campo di ricerca. Giovanni Morbin - Palazzetto
Tito, Dorsoduro 2826 - Venice
Exhibition running from 15 December 2023 to 11 February 2024
On display at Palazzetto Tito are around thirty works created since the end of the 1980s, from new works created site-specifically for the spaces of the Foundation and performances imagined for the city. lagoon. Starting from the artist's free and non-conformist approach, the exhibition analyzes the breadth of Morbin's fields of research.
Hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 12.30 to 17.00. Closed on Monday.
Tickets: free entry.
Web: Bevilacqua
La Masa |
The monographic exhibition of “Chim” opens at Palazzo Grimani Seymour, one of the founders of Magnum Photos. One section is entirely dedicated to Venice.
Hours: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00. The ticket office closes half an hour earlier.
Tickets: full price €14; concessions €7 (residents of the metropolitan area, valid only on Wednesdays); from 18 to 25 years € 2.
Web: Museo Palazzo Grimani |
Maurizio Pellegrin. Me stesso e io - Museo Ca'
Pesaro, Santa Croce 2076 - Venice
Exhibition running from 24 November 2023 to 1 April 2024
The exhibition of Maurizio Pellegrin opens at the Ca' Pesaro Museum in Venice. Myself and I: an ideal dialogue with the large exhibition The Venetian portrait of the nineteenth century, adjacent to the second floor of the museum.

Hours: from 10.00 to 17.00. The ticket office closes 60 minutes before. Closed on Mondays.
Tickets: full price €11, reduced price €8.50.
Information and reservations: from Italy 848082000; from abroad +39 04142730892.
Web: Museo Ca' Pesaro |
Exhibition running from 21 October 2023 to 1 April 2024
The exhibition The Venetian portrait in the nineteenth century opens at the Ca' Pesaro Museum in Venice: an exhibition that intends to tell the story of the first century of the Venetian age. contemporarywhich in Venice opens, ideally, with the fall of the Serenissima and continues throughout the country with the Restoration, passing through the uprisings of ‘48, the Risorgimento, the Unification of of Italy.

Hours: from 10.00 to 17.00. The ticket office closes 60 minutes before. Closed on Mondays.
Tickets: full price €11, reduced price €8.50.
Information and reservations: from Italy 848082000; from abroad +39 04142730892.
Web: Museo Ca' Pesaro |
Marcel Duchamp e la seduzione della copia - Museo Guggenheim, Palazzo Venier
dei Leoni, Dorsoduro 701 - Venice
Exhibition running from 14 October 2023 to 18 March 2024
At the Guggenheim Museum the long-awaited exhibition Marcel Duchamp and the seduction of the copy, curated by Paul B. Franklin, an independent scholar living in Paris and one of the leading experts on Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968). This is the first major solo exhibition that the Venetian museum dedicates to Duchamp, one of the most important artists influential and innovative people of the twentieth century, a historic friend as well as a adviser of the American patron Peggy Guggenheim.
Opening hours: from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Closed on Tuesdays and December 25th.
Tickets: full price €15; concessions €13 and €9 (see the website for the various concession categories); free for children up to 10 years.
Phone: +39.041.2405411
Web: Peggy
Guggenheim Collection |
Rosalba Carriera, miniature su avorio - Museo Ca' Rezzonico,
Fondamenta Rezzonico, Dorsoduro 3136 - Venice
Exhibition running from 13 October to 14 February 2023
An exhibition at Ca' Rezzonico pays homage to Rosalba Carriera (1673 - 1757), the greatest artist famous in eighteenth-century Europe. On display 36 works, refined portraits, very successful among the painter's contemporaries but which have come down to us in a small number, alongside the famous pastels, documents, drawings, prints, coming from the Civic Museums Foundation of Venice and from private collections.
Hours: from April 1st to October 31st from 10.00am to 6.00pm. From November 1st to March 31st from 10.00am to 5.00pm. Christmas and 1 January from 11.00 to 17.00. December 26th from 10.0am to 5.00pm. The ticket office closes an hour earlier. Closed on Tuesday.
Tickets: full € 10, reduced € 7.50 (children aged 6 to 14, students aged 15 to 25, citizens over 65). Free for residents and born in the City of Venice; children from 0 to 5 years; handicapped people with a companion.
Phone: +39 041.2410100
Web: Ca' Rezzonico Museum |
Murano: Upcycling Glass - Museo del Vetro, Spazio Ex Conterie - Murano
Exhibition running from 7 September 2023 to 28 April 2024

The Glass Museum hosts an exhibition which for the first time offers around forty works created by the island's master glassmakers with recycled industrial glass, a material with which they are not used to working: it is in fact a glass produced from secondary raw material, that is, from transparent and colorless recycled glass, absolutely different from the traditional Murano glass normally used.
Hours: from 1st April to 1st November from 10.00 to 18.00. From 2 November to 31 March from 11.00 to 17.00. Christmas and 1 January from 11.00 to 17.00. The ticket office closes one hour earlier.
Tickets: full price €10, reduced price €7.50, reduced price for schools €4. Free tickets are available for residents of the Municipality of Venice; disabled people with companion; authorized guides of the Province of Venice; tourist interpreters who accompany groups; teachers accompanying school groups up to a maximum of 2 per group; escorts (max. 1) of groups of adults; MUVE ordinary partners; MUVE Friend Card holders; ICOM members.
Information and reservations: from Italy 848082000; from abroad +39 04142730892.
Web: Museo
del Vetro |
Se mi dura questo entusiasmo finirò come Narciso. Parte II. Eleonora e l'Italia - Fondazione Cini, Isola di San Giorgio, 8 - Venice
Exhibition running from 1 September 2023 to 8 March 2024
The Giorgio Cini Foundation presents an exhibition that will be a photographic journey into the life of the great actress.
Part I Eleonora and Venice.
Hours: every day from 10.00 to 19.00.
Tickets: full price €12; reduced €6.
Phone: +39.041.5223563
Web: Fondazione Cini |
Cento anni di Nason Moretti. Storia di una famiglia del vetro muranese - Museo del Vetro, Spazio Ex Conterie - Murano
Exhibition running from 19 May 2023 to 28 April 2024

The Glass Museum is hosting an exhibition that celebrates a well-known Murano company, NasonMoretti, which in 2023 will celebrate one hundred years of activity. Edited by Cristina Beltrami and Chiara Squarcina.
Hours: from 1st April to 1st November from 10.00 to 18.00. From 2 November to 31 March from 11.00 to 17.00. Christmas and 1 January from 11.00 to 17.00. The ticket office closes one hour earlier.
Tickets: full price €10, reduced price €7.50, reduced price for schools €4. Free tickets are available for residents of the Municipality of Venice; disabled people with companion; authorized guides of the Province of Venice; tourist interpreters who accompany groups; teachers accompanying school groups up to a maximum of 2 per group; escorts (max. 1) of groups of adults; MUVE ordinary partners; MUVE Friend Card holders; ICOM members.
Information and reservations: from Italy 848082000; from abroad +39 04142730892.
Web: Museo
del Vetro |
Icônes - Punta della Dogana, Dorsoduro, 2 - Venice
Exhibition running from 2 April to 26 November 2023
Punta della Dogana reopens with a collective exhibition, with works from the Pinault Collection in particular, which invites reflection on the theme of the icon and the status of the image in the contemporary world.
Hours: from 10.00 to 19.00 (the ticket office closes one hour earlier). Closed on Tuesday.
Tickets: full price €15, reduced price €12 for students up to 25 years of age (upon presentation of a valid university card); residents of the Municipality of Venice (upon presentation of identity card); visitors over 65; groups of adults starting from 15 participants; teachers (upon presentation of identity card or a statement from the school); disabled not 100%; carer of a disabled person; Kering group.
Free for Members of Palazzo Grassi-Punta della Dogana; under 20; accredited journalists; disabled; authorized guides with license issued by the Province of Venice; 1 guide for each group of 15 to 29 participants; 2 escorts for each school group from 15 to 24 participants; 3 escorts for each school group from 25 to 29 participants; unemployed (upon presentation of proof); ICOM card; Cultivist card; 2x1 to Carta Freccia members in possession of an Freccia ticket for Venice.
Every Wednesday admission is free for residents of the city of Venice and for students of the Ca' Foscari University, the Iuav University, the Academy of Fine Arts, Venice International University, the Benedetto Marcello Conservatory, upon presentation of the student.
Information and reservations: +39.041.2001057.
Web: Palazzo Grassi |
Matthias Schaller. Tessuto urbano - Palazzo Mocenigo, Santa Croce
1992 - Venice
Exhibition running from 24 March to 26 November 2023
Palazzo Mocenigo will host until November the exhibition "Tessuto Urbano", with which Schaller himself realizes the seventh artistic project on Venice after "Counterfacade", "Pipistrello", "Leiermann", "Lagunenwalzer", "Nun will die Sonn so hell aufgehn” and “Substitute”.
Hours: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 to 17 (the ticket office closes 30' before). Closed, Monday, December 25th January 1st.
Tickets: full price €11, reduced price €8.50. Free for residents of the Municipality of Venice and children up to 5 years old.
Phone: +39.041.721798
Web: Palazzo Mocenigo |
Chronorama. Photographic treasures of the 20th century - Palazzo Grassi, Campo San Samuele, San Marco 3231 - Venice
Exhibition from March 12, 2023 to January 7, 2024
Palazzo Grassi inaugurates the first universal exhibition dedicated to photographic treasures recently acquired from the Pinault Collection and from the Condé Nast archives, some of which have never been shown to the public before.
Opening hours: from 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. (the ticket office closes one hour earlier). Tuesday closed.
Tickets: Full price €15, reduced €12 for students up to the age of 25 (on presentation of a valid university ID card); Residents of the Municipality of Venice (upon presentation of their identity card); visitors over 65; adult groups from 15 participants; Teachers (upon presentation of an identity card or a certificate from the school); carer of a disabled person; Kering Group.
Free for members of Palazzo Grassi-Punta della Dogana; children under 20; accredited journalists; Disabled people; authorized tourist guides with license issued by the Province of Venice; 1 guide for each group of 15 to 29 participants; 2 accompanying persons for each school group of 15 to 24 participants; 3 accompanying persons for each school group of 25 to 29 participants; unemployed (on presentation of proof).
Every Wednesday, entry is free for residents of the city of Venice and for students enrolled in Venetian universities.
Information and reservations: +39.041.2001057
Web: Palazzo Grassi |
Nikos Aliagas. About Venitian - Fondazione dell'Albero d'Oro, Palazzo Vendramin Grimani - San Polo, 2033 - Venice
Exhibition running from February 4th to November 26th 2023
The Fondazione dell'Albero d'Oro presents a photographic exhibition Nikos Aliagas, the result of an artist residency made possible as part of the cultural initiatives promoted by the Fondazione dell'Albero d'Oro.
Hours: Monday to Sunday from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00.
Tickets: full price €7, reduced price €5.
Web: Fondazione dell'Albero d'Oro |
Tutankhamun 100 years of mysteries - Palazzo Zaguri - Campo San Maurizio - Venice
Exhibition from October 29th 2022

An exhibition dedicated to Tutankhamun arrives at Palazzo Zaguri 100 years after the discovery of his intact tomb by the archaeologist Carter. There will be more than 1000 finds arriving from Egypt that will form a 1 km long route on all floors of Palazzo Zaguri.
Hours: from 10.00 to 19.00 (the ticket office closes one hour before). Open every day.
full price €16, reduced price €14 (disabled, over 65, students, teachers, and residents of Venice).
Free up to 5 years and carers of non self-sufficient disabled people (upon presentation of an identification card at the cash desk). |
Una Collezione veneziana - Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Campo Santa Maria Formosa, Castello 5252 - Venice
Running exhibition from November 21st 2018
Querini Stampalia - thanks to the agreement signed with Intesa Sanpaolo - will welcome the treasures of the Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia, now belonging to Intesa and granted for 20 years, with the possibility of renewal, to the Venetian museum house. They will be hosted in a new section specially set up on the third floor of the Querini Stampalia, a room that enjoys a magnificent view of the city.
Hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10 to 18; Monday closed.
Tickets: fullè 14, reducedè 10. Free for under 18s. Free for Residents City of Venice every Sunday.
Phone: +39.041.2711411
Website: Querini Stampalia |
Ritratti in miniatura e altre memorie al tempo di Napoleone. La donazione Paola SanCassani - Museo Correr, Piazza
San Marco, San Marco 52 - Venice
Running exhibition from April 12 2018
At the Correr Museum a new donation allows to exhibit a group of miniature portraits from the first half of the nineteenth century, above all Italian but also from the French and English schools, as well as relics of Napoleonic interest.
Hours: from March 26th to October 31st from 10.00am to 7.00pm. From 2 November to 25 March from 10.00 to 17.00. Christmas and 1 January from 11.00 to 19.00. The ticket office closes an hour earlier.
Tickets: fullè 20, reducedè 13, reducedè 5 special, reducedè 4. Free tickets for residents in the Municipality of Venice; children from 0 to 5 years; handicapped people with a companion; authorized guides of the Province of Venice; tourist interpreters accompanying groups; accompanying teachers of school groups up to a maximum of 2 per group; accompanying persons (maximum 1) of groups of adults; ordinary MUVE partners; ICOM members; holders of The Cultivist card (plus three chaperones).
Information and reservations: from Italy 848082000; from abroad +39 041.2405211
Web: Museo
Correr |
NUOVE ACQUISIZIONI. La collezione permanente - Museo del Vetro, Spazio Ex Conterie - Murano Venice
Running exhibition from February 23 2018
With a view to creating a didactic support for the development of Murano glass art, the Venice Civic Museums Foundation inaugurates a new chapter in 2018 within the permanent itinerary of the Murano Glass Museum, which will be implemented thanks to donations of prestigious contemporary works. From February 23rd the museum will dedicate a space only for new acquisitions that will be permanently exhibited.
Hours: from the 1st of April to the 1st of November from 10.00am to 6.00pm. From 2 November to 31 March from 10.00 to 17.00. Christmas and 1 January from 11.00 to 17.00. The ticket office closes an hour earlier.
Tickets: fullè 10, reducedè 7.50, reducedè 4 schools. Free tickets are available for residents of the Municipality of Venice; handicapped people with a companion; authorized guides of the Province of Venice; tourist interpreters accompanying groups; accompanying teachers of school groups up to a maximum of 2 per group; accompanying persons (maximum 1) of groups of adults; ordinary MUVE partners; holders of MUVE Friend Card; ICOM members.
Information and reservations: from Italy 848082000; from abroad +39 04142730892
Web: Museo
del Vetro |
Qwalala di Pae White - Museo Cini, Isola di San Giorgio
- Venice
Running exhibition from May 12
An exhibition with a site-specific work by the American artist Pae White, exhibited simultaneously with the 57th Venice Biennale and commissioned by Le Stanze del Vetro on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore. The work consists of large glass inserts, some transparent others colored, forming a huge glass wall.
Hours: from 11.00 to 19.00. Closed on Tuesday.
Tickets: see the official website.
Telephone: +39.041.2710236
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: Fondazione
Cini |