In Venice

In Venice

Guatemala Pavilion, Guatemala at 59th Venice Biennale of Art

The Guatemala Pavilion, Guatemala at the Venice Biennale 2022: the artists of the pavilion, the works, the times, the periods, the cost of the tickets and the exhibition venue.

Guatemala Pavilion, Guatemala at Venice Biennale of Art
Guatemala Pavilion, Guatemala at Venice Biennale of Art - SPUMA Space for the Arts, Fondamenta S. Biagio, Giudecca 800/R - Venice

Exhibition in progress from April 23rd to November 27th 2022

The 59th Biennale Arte will open to the public on 23 April. But on the 20th, 21st and 22nd there will be the various openings and collateral events that always suddenly animate the Venetian artistic life. The awards ceremony will take place on the day of the opening to the public.

The title of the 59th edition of the Biennale d'Arte is Il Latte dei Sogni that means The Milk of Dreams.

The invited artists are 213 from 58 countries. There are 26 Italian artists, 180 the first participations in the International Exhibition, 1433 the works and objects on display, 80 new productions.

In all, 80 nations will participate in the Venice Biennale in the pavilions at the Giardini, the Arsenale and in the historic center of Venice.

Go to the page of the 59th Venice Art Biennale

Guatemala Pavilion, Guatemala at 59th Biennale Arte of Venice

The title of the exhibition at the Guatemala Pavilion is Inclusion.

Christian Escobar "Chrispapita".
: Christian Escobar "Chrispapita".
Seat: Padiglione Guatemala - SPUMA Space for the Arts, Fondamenta S. Biagio, Giudecca 800/R - Venezia

Press Release of Guatemala Pavilion

Aligned to the theme of the 59th International Art Exhibitionè La Biennale di Venezia, which is titled "The Milk of Dreams," the National Pavilion of Guatemala will present an impressive painting titled "Inclusion," by young artist Christian Escobar "Chrispapita� (Instagram: @chrispapita), who is also curator of the exhibition. The Pavilion's General Commissioner is Felipe Amado Aguilar Marroqu�n, the Guatemala Minister of Culture.

The artwork is 7 meters wide by 2.8 meters high and is an acrylic painting on canvas. Through the technique of hyperrealism, the artist wants to show "the human and inclusive gear as the engine of change and progress in Guatemala." Chrispapita explained that this is a tribute to the artists of the golden age of Latin American murals, but also to the great Italian masters of the Baroque, attesting the great influence of Italian art on Guatemalan culture.

"Inclusion" proposes an invitation to accept the differences between human beings and to respect them, with justice and equality, considering that each individual in its singularity is part of the society. It also exalts the greatest wealth Guatemala has, its people and its multicultural diversity as a strength for development.

On the path to inclusion, this project not only has the support of the Government of Guatemala, through its Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture; but it has also been supported by important companies in the country that support culture: the National Coffee Association (Anacafe), Ron Botr�n, the Guatemalan Tourism House (Camtur), the Apolo Group, Invernowi S.A., the Paiz Foundation, Lua Chips, the Ixchel Museum and the Rafael Landivar University.

In addition, with the "Inclusion" project, the Guatemala Pavilion aimed to promote the Central American country as a tourist destination of great natural and cultural wealth.

The exhibition is open to the public from April 23 to November 27, 2022, at SPUMA Space for the Arts (Fondamenta S. Biagio, Giudecca 800 / R, 30133 Venezia VE, Italy) with the following hours: from April 23 to September 25, from 11:30 am to 7:30 pm; and from September 26 to November 27, from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm. Closed on Tuesdays

Useful information for the visit

Hours: Gardens from 10.00 to 19.00. Arsenale from 10.00 to 19.00 (from 10.00 to 20.00 on Friday and Saturday until September 30th). Closed on Mondays (except May 13, September 2, November 18).
Tickets: please visit the official website.
Phone: +39.041.5218711; fax +39.041.5218704
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: Biennale of Venice

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